You can also get your Twitter and Facebook accounts connected with the app for better connectivity of news with your social media. You can also choose whether the app should auto-play videos or not and whether it should save the content for you so that you can read it even when offline or not. The app allows you to control everything from the font size in articles to the edition of the app i.e. From Reuters to Time and from HuffPost to CNN, you can get access to content from any of these sources as well. The app also has a 'Discover' feature where you can add a tab of any major news source that you want. This news app lets you decide everything. Here you can change the order of the tabs and even remove any tab if you want. All you have to do is to go to the final tab. You can even change the order of the tabs as well. You can change the tabs by sliding left on the screen. You can browse through different types of news simply by changing the tabs. By default, there are nine tabs but you can customize and add more tabs if you want to. The homepage consists of the top headlines from all around the globe. From setting up the tabs to deciding whether you want to read a content-only version or the full piece with media and graphics, everything is very simple and even if you aren't really well-versed with Android apps, you can easily find your way around all the main features of the app. The interface is very user-friendly as well with every feature easily accessible.

The interface is clean and simple and it helps put the focus on the content that the reader wants access to. The app's best feature is its simplistic design which goes well with the main idea of the app i.e.

With a clean layout, straightforward design and excellent features, it's all that you would want from a mainstream news app. SmartNews is one of the most renowned news apps. Looking for an app that will keep you in touch with what is happening all around the world? Want to munch on the most exciting news stories from all over the world? Need to keep yourself abreast with what's making the headlines in music, entertainment, politics, business, and technology? Look no further than SmartNews for answers to these questions.